
The Unit of Educational Affairs handles all issues regarding education. Teknologkåren believes that everyone deserves as good of an education as possible, with clear connections to the working life and teachers who are pedagogical and well-educated in their field. To achieve these goals, the organization of Teknologkåren works daily in all parts of the university to drive the students' voice, whether it is about hiring a teacher or errors in the examination process. When you have an education-related problem, report it to
The Unit of Educational Affairs
We ensure that your education maintains a high quality. Because we are a student union, we are responsible for education monitoring towards the university. This means that we keep an eye on the educations that belong to us and ensure that they maintain their high quality. Part of this work takes place via the report system, where you as a student can create a case when you feel that you have been wronged in your education. You as a student have a lot of rights and obligations - and we make sure that Luleå University of Technology keeps their promises so you as a student get the best study time possible.
Here you can see which educations at Luleå University of Technology we are responsible for. All educations below are divided under the respective campus location and divisions to which they belong. If you study a program under the Faculty of Engineering and become a member of Teknologkåren, you automatically become a member of the division to which the education belongs.
EducationsAs a student under Teknologkåren, you have the right to apply for several different scholarships. Complete information and contact information for these can be found here.
Every year we hand out the Teknologkåren's Teacher of the Year Award. The prize is awarded for praiseworthy teaching efforts, commitment to the students and pedagogical skills. It is set up to motivate teachers to get involved in student education and ultimately improve the quality of education at the university. A jury decides who will be awarded the prize. The jury consists of the divisions' education monitoring coordinators, the chairman of the education unit and two persons appointed by the union board. The jury may not nominate teachers for the award.
Teknologkåren's Teacher of the Year Award
In order to draw attention to good supervisor contributions in postgraduate education, Teknologkåren, in collaboration with the PhD Students' Association, established a prize for commendable supervisor contributions back in October 2008. As a doctoral student at Luleå University of Technology, you have the opportunity to nominate supervisors for this award. The prize will be awarded at the academic festival in November each year. The winner is chosen by a jury consisting of the head of the education unit, the president of the PhD Students' Association and two doctoral students elected by the board of the doctoral student divison.
Supervisor of the Year