Our organization
Education, Student life, Career
That is our three words of value. They are short, precise and vital. They are the basis for everything we do and also the words that best describe what areas we are working in. We make sure that your courses are fair, we arrange Nolleperioden, we also arrange the yearly work fair LARV, and so much more.
By students, for students
Teknologkåren is a member-driven and member-democratic organization that does its utmost to make your study time the best possible. Although we are mainly targeting technologists, we work based on your education, your student life and your future to create as active, fun and stimulating an environment as possible for all students at Luleå University of Technology.
You as a student are the foundation for our organization. Through us you can get your voice heard in our higher decision-making bodies. Do not forget that you can get involved to help us drive the organization forward.
Organization chart for Teknologkåren
The Union Council is Teknologkårens highest decision-making body. The Council consist of 23 members, chosen by our different divisions, to make big and long-term decisions about Teknologkåren. The Union Board on the other hand makes shorter and more focused decisions, that usually makes their way to the Management team who handles Teknologkårens daily work.
Do you want a meeting notice for the Union Council? Send an email to io@teknologkaren.se.

The management team consists of up to 8 elected representatives who work full time to improve your study time. You will find their office on the second floor in Studenternas Hus and you as a student can come by if you want to contact the management team in person.
The Management Board
The Union Board works hierarchically under the Union Council. The Union Board consists of 6 members: the President of Teknologkåren, the Vice President of Teknologkåren, the Union Board chairman and four board members. The Union Board meets several times a year at so called Union Board meetings. The meetings are decision-making meetings, where the Union Board, among other things, takes a position on various applications that is submitted.
The Union Board
Do you want to be part of making a difference? Get involved in Teknologkåren or one of our divisions! You get both experience and friends for life.
InvolvementDo you want an overall insight to what Teknologkåren does? Then you can read our brochure. It contains all you need to know about us, and what we do.
Our union brochure