Congratulations on your admission!
To start studying at a university is like a new chapter in life. By participating in Nolleperioden at Luleå University of Technology you have the possibility to make friends, get corporate connections, be involved in the student life and learn about your education.
Nolleperioden is the first time period before the study start, where you as a new student gets welcomed to Luleå University of Technology. These 10 days will be filled with activities and lectures that will guide you in to the student life and prepare you for the study start. Nolleperioden is a joint arrangement between Teknologkåren, Luleå Studentkår and Luleå University of Technology.
A lot of people say that Luleå University of Technology has one of Sweden's best receptions - we think you should come see for yourself.
See you in August!

Here you will find all the information needed as a new student.
Nolleperioden website
Here you will find who to contact if you have questions to Luleå University of Technology about being a new student.
New student