The Unit of Social Affairs

The Unit of Social Affairs makes sure that you have a fun and healthy study time. They are responsible for everything between arranging events to the study environment. 

Did you know that the same legislation about working environment also applies for study environment? This means that you as a student has the same right to a good working environment as an employee, both physical and mental. Teknologkåren has a broad study social responsibility and works in many different areas. Everything from you as a student getting an accommodation, to good health and wellness, to you having the possibility to take part in events, developing information sessions and you being able to influence your study time. The biggest study social activity is Nolleperioden, held in August each year. The purpose of Nolleperioden is to give the new students the best start possible as a student at Luleå University of Technology. During a 10 day period, there are loads of social events, study preparation activities and information about what it is like to be a student. 
Head of Social Affairs (SO)

Coordinates the work within the unit of social affairs and handles the strategic development of the student life at Luleå University of Technology. SO represents Teknologkåren in Studentservice management team, and is responsible for the coordination of associations and the division's premises. 

Ellinor Hjärne
Head of social affairs
070-686 25 87
The Head of Social Welfare and Equality (HSSO)

Is responsible for Teknologkåren's work regarding study environment, and acts as the student's voice towards the university in big questions regarding study environment. HSSO leads the Study Environment Committee ("Studiemiljökomittén") and StudentKompis, and is also a part of Luleå University of Technology's Working Environment Committee and the Working Environment Group.

Eugen Larsson
Head of social welfare and equality
073-153 35 57