Teknologkårens EventCalender
Teknologkårens eventcalender is intended for all sections, STUK and Teknologkåren to be able to keep track of each other's events to avoid double booking. It is also open to the public to subscribe to, so that students know what events to expect!
How to subscribe to calendars
The calendar is created using Google Calendar to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Here's how tou can proceed:
How to subscribe to calendarsSubscribe to the calendar
Click the link below to subscribe to Teknologkårens event calendar.
Subscribe to the calendarBook Studenternas Hus
Here, you can book Studenternas Hus for your events along with your section or association. Fill out the form through the link below.
If you encounter issues with the calendar or if something is not working.
Event coordinator
For questions regarding rental and booking.
Buisness Relations Manager
Contact for buisness-related inquiries.